Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I miss the days of good old graffiti – when the cars were covered, inside and out, with spraypaint.  It was like heaven on earth, sittin in a moving masterpiece.  Like Mona Lisa on wheels.  Now we got all these people saying it’s “vandalism,” and Rudy G and Bloomberg spent people’s tax dollars on cleanin it up.  Graffiti’s “criminal.” 

Why are we intent on making graffiti artists be like all those painters through history, who died before anyone got to see their work and hear their voice?  And then we got all those people who sit in their big, glass office buildings and draw cartoons designed to sell cigarettes to kids, or artwork that makes you go out and buy booze; and that’s not a crime.  Their artwork’s ok.  But some guy’ll get 50 hours of community service for writing “Follow Your Dream” on a subway platform.  

Graffiti was—and is—nothing more than the colors of a thousand souls that define a generation.

-Submitted by P.W.

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