Monday, May 18, 2009

Fool me once...

So, I'm headed uptown on the 4 train.  I'm unemployed and going to visit my mom for lunch on the UES.

I'm standing there, reading my book what looks like the usual suspects get on and begin their pitch (heavily accented).

"Hello, I'm sorry to disturb your peace and quiet.  Our young daughter was killed in a building fire because of the pot smokers who lived below us.  We're trying to raise money to bury her.  We have copies of the receipts from the funeral home.  If you don't trust us you can send any money you'd like to give to the funeral home directly... (and so it continued)."

I happened to not have any cash and, as mentioned, was unemployed so wasn't able to give.

A full two years later I'm headed uptown again on the 4 train again at the same time of day.  (Yes, employed at this point, it just happened to be a day off).  Reading my book and listening to my mp3 player when I hear someone begin their schtick and look up in shock..

"Hello, I'm sorry to disturb your peace and quiet.  My wife here was injured while we were visiting America. We can't leave until we pay the hospital back. We're trying to raise money so we can go home.  We have copies of the receipts from the hospital.  If you don't trust us you can send any money you'd like to give to the hospital directly... (and so it continued)."

As you can probably guess it was the exact same couple.  At the same time I was 1) Chagrined that they were so good on their original (and this) pitch and 2) Impressed that they either varied the story or location enough that I hadn't seen them in the intervening two years.

-- Submitted by O.C.

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